International Women's Rights Day

On 8 March, International Women's Rights Day, we decided to take concrete action by highlighting a persistent inequality: the pay gap between men and women.

Despite some progress, women still earn less than men. In France, in 2022, in the private sector, the average pay gap between women and men was 14.9% for equivalent working time (EQTP).

This gap can be explained by a number of factors:

  • A higher proportion of women working part-time, often under pressure rather than by choice.

  • More frequent career breaks due to parental leave and domestic responsibilities, which are still unevenly distributed.

  • More limited access to senior positions. Although women represent a growing proportion of the working population, they are still in the minority in management and decision-making positions. 
  • And in the highest echelons of the business world, this under-representation is even more marked: only 10% of CAC 40 CEOs are women. This means that, despite their skills and experience, women remain largely excluded from the most influential and best-paid positions, contributing to the overall pay gap.
Source : Insee, Insee Focus no 320, March 2024

A committed discount to denounce pay inequality

To mark this day and raise awareness, we are offering an exceptional 14.9% discount on all our women's ready-to-wear products.

This figure is not chosen at random: it symbolises the average pay gap and reminds us that we still have a long way to go to achieve real equality.

A brand committed to a fairer future

Beau Nuage is first and foremost a brand committed to an ethical and responsible approach. As well as offering quality, responsible products, we want to use our voice to make a difference. Supporting equal pay also means encouraging a fairer society, where everyone receives recognition commensurate with their work.

And when we take into account net annual salary income, which includes periods of interruption or part-time work, the gap is even more striking: 23.5%. On average, a woman earns €19,980 a year, compared with €26,110 for a man.

Insee, Insee Focus no 320, March 2024

Together, let's get things moving!

Although this inequality is tending to narrow, with a reduction of 7 points since 1995, according to INSEE, there is still a lot to be done.

We need your help to amplify this message!
Spread the word, share these figures and get involved with us. Every action counts. Together, let's work towards a fairer future!